Saturday, August 30, 2014

Greetings  from Jackson Hole, WY as we begin the count down to our return to Tennessee........

We approach our final week of work at Gros Ventre Campground with mixed emotions. This month has been a wonderful grand finale to our summer Alaskan adventure and we will surely miss our super co-workers and these glorious Rocky Mountains. However, as the temperatures here have dropped significantly we look forward to a fabulous fall in Tennessee and maybe even some end of season garden veggies still available at the farmer's market.

Thanks to our generous
boss, Steve, we have been off
every Sunday and able to
worship at First Bapt. Jackson WY

Cool weather has brought moose into
campground every day. 

Teton sunset from our "front yard"
at Gros Ventre campground

Rainbow outside campground office.
Longtime locals says we've had
most rain this year since 1980's.

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